Research and academic network

Advanced communications network


The communications network is the main infrastructure of i2basque. i2basque-10G consists of a core ring with four points of presence (Donostia-San Sebastián, Arrasate, Leioa and Vitoria-Gasteiz) linked by 10Gbps lamda links, two metropolitan rings with dark fiber links in Bizkaia (Bilbao-Leioa-Zamudio) and Donostia-San Sebastián (Ibaeta-Miramón-Hospital Donostia) and dark fiber links in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Las Nieves-EJIE and Las Nieves-Osakidetza), as well as optical fiber connections in all Technology Parks (Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Miñano and Polo Garaia).

i2basque offers connections with Gigabit Ethernet or 10 Gigabit Ethernet optical fiber interfaces to R&D&I
corporative networks in the Basque Country. It also acts as an access way to RedIRIS Academic Network, and shares with it the access requirements to be a user of these services.



High Performance Computing


i2basque offers to the scientific community an HPC infrastructure for initiation in high-performance computing in the Basque Country.

These computing resources are directly connected to the i2basque core network (SDH at 10 Gbps) with GE optical fiber interfaces.

Our goal is to establish a first infrastructure for HPC in the Basque Country, which is available to all researchers.

Our infraestructure aims to be a catalyst to establish alliances and collaborations among i2basque Academic Network internal and external agents. This infrastructure is available to all R&D entities, in order to establish collaborative links, either through joint research projects or by helping them to share their computing resources with i2basque, or with other groups.
These collaborations will allow to carry out experiments that were imposible in the past, combining resources with technologies such as Grid Computing, and will be reinforced through the use of i2basque communications network, a critical piece to allow efficient resources exchange.



Scientific publications repository


According to the European directive, the scientific productions generated thanks to public fundings, have to be published in open since 2020. In order to facilitate to affiliated entities to comply that, we are enabling an institutional repository that follows OAI-PMH standards, and is going to belong to Open Aire, Open Doar and Recollecta repositories networks.

Specifically, the repository fulfills the functions of collecting, organizing, preserving and giving permanent access to scientific publications, and the data used to compose them.



Contents (CMS, LMS)


The Internet content management applications, both CMS (Content Management System) and LMS (Learning Management System), are very versatile tools for communication, group work, training, support and documentation. Our goal is to facilitate the implementation of Open Source management systems in the entities affiliated to i2basque, advising them on the installation, structuring contents and associated methodologies.

We have several sandbox environments for testing, such as: Omeka-S (photographic repository), Iturriak (MediaWiki for collaborative translations), etc. And in parallel we offer services aimed at the bulk of the affiliates:

  1. Moodle: Manager of courses to support virtual teaching-learning processes.
  2. Mahara: Electronic portfolio and social network, suitable to promote lifelong learning processes, formative evaluation, generate an electronic curriculum vitae and support group work.





Eduroam is the global secure mobility service aimed at academic and research community, and affiliates can obtain their membership through i2basque. This service allows students, researchers and staff of the participating institutions to have Internet connectivity in their institution, and also when they visit any other participant organization in another part of the world.



Streaming and videoconferece


  1. Video streaming: i2basque has a Wowza streaming service, which serves live video for multiple devices.
  2. Videoconferences: i2basque has an IP videoconference room in its offices, and affiliates can book it.