HiTZ - Hizkuntza Teknologiako Zentroa

Research organizations

The HiTZ Hizkuntza Teknologiako Zentroa / Basque Centre for Language Technology of the University of the Basque Country - UPV/EHU will focus its work in the area of language technologies. Language technologies are characterised by being transversal, as they are applied in all areas where there is communication by means of language, either spoken or written.The HiTZ Reference Centre has the following priority objectives:

  • Training, research, innovation and transfer in the area of language technologies. It will be a clearly multidisciplinary centre that will allow the integration of researchers with experience in areas as varied as Computer Science, Signal Processing, Mathematics, Linguistics, Law, Sociology, History, Journalism, Tourism, etc.
  • To be a reference centre for the computational treatment of Basque. This will allow the creation and maintenance of basic resources and tools for the processing of the language, which will be the basis for guaranteeing its presence in the era of digital communication.

HiTZ aims to be a benchmark in the area of Language Technologies and to position the Basque Country as an important point of research and development in this area, which will facilitate the creation of new companies in an area that is growing and expanding at great speed.

  • It aims to activate a massive transfer of language technology to our society, companies and institutions.
  • Language technology is a key sector for economic and social development (Big Data & Artificial Intelligence).
  • Based on the experience of Ixa Group (30 years) it will help to incorporate other agents of the sector.
  • The options made available by the Plan for the promotion of Language Technologies makes it more urgent to boost this center.

HiTZ - Hizkuntza Teknologiako Zentroa

UPV/EHU Manuel Lardizabal 1, 20018 Donostia

How to arrive

T: hitz@ehu.eus