Structural characterization services

Research areas
  • Physical Sciences

Gorka Pazos
External-Services Manager
+34 943 57 40 00

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CIC nanoGUNE offers External Services with the aim of supporting the characterization and fabrication of materials and micro and nanoscale devices for both academic and industrial users. The External Services Department is designed to be an open facility for researchers and technologists from different business and research fields.
The services offered by the External Services Department can be carried out by qualified nanoGUNE personnel or requested under a self-service mode.
Please contact the External Services Department staff.


X-ray diffraction/reflection system and atomic-force microscopes, as well as last generation electron microscopes, specifically an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM, FEI Quanta 250) and a transmission electron microscope (TEM, FEI Titan). These systems are operated by highly qualified scientists which are capable of a complete processing, simulation, and visualization of the electron-microscopy data.


X-ray reflectivity/diffractometry
Thin film characterization:
X-ray reflectivity (XRR): thickness and quality characterization of single thin films or complex multiple thin films samples.
X-ray diffractometry (XRD)
Basic crystallographic characterization (crystal phase identification and basic crystal plane characterization)
Detailed crystallographic characterization (crystal cell parameter calculation, crystal orientation determination, texture analysis…)
Powder characterization:
X-ray diffractometry (XRD): crystal phase characterization

Atomic Force Microscopy
High resolution atomic force microscopy
Characterization of surface topography in flat surfaces or nano structures
Imaging of biological samples
Imaging under liquid solution
Magnetic domains imaging
Topographic image at high temperature
Basic atomic force microscopy
Characterization of surface topography in flat surfaces or nano structures
Magnetic domains imaging

Scanning electron Microscopy (SEM)/Environmental Scanning electron Microscopy
SEM – morphological surface analysis
STEM (Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy) – resolution < 1 nm at 30 kV
ESEM – non conducting samples without any coating
Imaging of wet samples and liquid water
Possibility to inject liquid by manipulators while imaging
In-situ electrical measurements – 3 probes, probing current 10 nA to 100 mA, probing max. Voltage 100 V and probing resistance 7 Ω
Extra-large high-resolution surface imaging (up to cm2 areas with nm resolution)

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
Conventional and high resolution TEM (HRTEM)
Low voltage (down to 60 kV) HRTEM for beam sensitive materials
Electron diffraction and convergent beam electron diffraction
STEM (resolution 0.135 nm)
Low loss and core loss EELS analysis (resolution down to 80 meV)
Electron holography
TEM and STEM electron tomography
In situ heating (up to 1200 ºC) and 4-contact electrical biasing
Lorentz microscopy

Transmission Electron Microscopy images simulation and analysis
3D data reconstruction and visualization
Fourier image analysis
HRTEM image simulation using multislice (up to 107 independent atoms, up to 500 x 500 nm unit cell)
STEM and convergent beam electron diffraction simulation using multislice
Strain analysis using Geometrical Phase Analysis (GAP) and Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction (CBED)


Tolosa Hiribidea, 76
E-20018 Donostia – San Sebastian