Quantitative Biomedicine Unit (QBU)

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  • Engineering & Technology
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The QBU provides services with interdisciplinary character to researchers belonging to Biocruces Bizkaia and to the Cruces University Hospital.

The researchers who are interested can take advantage from methods and tools from quantitative sciences, improving in such a way the quality in their investigations.

The QBU provides services such as signal processing, biomedical imaging and machine learning. The QBU has expertise in processing biomedical signals/images, from unidimensional time series (such as electroencephalography, electrocardiograms, plethysmography) to more complex signals (such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, tensor diffusion imaging, positron emission tomography, etc.)

The QBU also provides techniques for biomedical data classification, including supervised and unsupervised classification, clustering, dimensionality reduction and other machine learning techniques.

To the very end, the QBU provides better methods that can improve patient evaluation, diagnosis and follow-up in different pathologies.

In particular, the QBU provides services in:

  • Signal processing in time and frequency domains.
  • Machine learning of biomedical data.
  • To be capable to communicate with different machines located in the Cruces University Hospital by developing pipelines that can automatize the data postprocessing.
  • Developing predictive models, ie., to search for correlations in signals and patient follow-up.
  • Biomedical image processing.
  • Advanced data visualization
  • Big data postprocessing.
  • The use of the Supercomputing Laboratory


The QBU has qualified personnel (including engineers, mathematicians and physicists) and specialized software and tools to perform quantitative analysis.

The QBU also has the Supercomputing Laboratory, composed by 4 Servers Dell PowerEdge R430, each one with 96 GB RAM DDR4, OS CentOS 7 and Workload Manager SLURM. The Supercomputing Laboratory also has a BeeGFS parallel file system with 32TB hotswap in RAID6.

The installed software is mainly open-source, including compilers, specific libraries for signal and image processing, matrix calculus, etc.


Hospital Universitario Cruces. Plaza de Cruces 12, 48903. Barakaldo, Bizkaia (País Vasco)