Magnetic Resonance Imaging Platform

Research areas
  • Physical Sciences

Daniel Padró Email: Telephone no.: +34 943 00 53 04

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The MRI platform at CIC biomaGUNE provides the instrumentation and expertise necessary to perform a broad spectrum of magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy studies on a wide range of biological samples including small animals (rats, mice), tissue specimens, cultured cells and tissue extracts. This facility includes a well-equipped surgery room used for preparing the animals for MR exams and a wide assortment of ancillary equipment, i.e. anaesthesia machines, MR compatible physiological monitoring, infusion pumps, heating pads, etc.


MRI 11.7 T 16 cm horizontal bore Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Equipped with a high performance 9 cm inner diameter 750 mT/m gradient tube switchable within 100us and interfaced to a Bruker AVANCE III console. The console is configured with full imaging capabilities, four broad band channels as well as 8-channel receiver array. Dedicated RF-coils of different sizes for optimized rat brain, mouse brain, rat heart/body and mouse heart/ body are available and includes state-of-the-art phase array assemblies. Additional RF volume/surface coils to perform 13C, 19F and 31P MRS are also available.

MRI 7 T 30 cm horizontal bore Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Equipped with a 20 cm inner diameter shielded imaging gradient system (200 mT/m for conventional imaging) and 12 cm I.D. high field gradient (400 mT/m switchable within 80us) insert for micro imaging and interfaced to a Bruker AVANCE III console. The console is configured with two broad band transmission channels as well as a 4-channel receiver array. A variety of volume and surface coils suitable for imaging of rodents are also available including state-of-the-art phase array assemblies.
The instruments are ideal for the following purposes:
•    2D and/or 3D high-resolution anatomical imaging
•    Diffusion and diffusion tensor imaging
•    Flow imaging
•    Cardiac imaging
•    Functional MRI
•    Chemical shift imaging and localized spectroscopy
•    Development or implementation of novel applications


CIC biomaGUNE Parque tecnológico de Gipuzkoa Ed. Pº Miramón 182, 20014, San Sebastián