Flow Cytometry

Research areas
  • Life & Medical Sciences

Dra. Susana Larrucea (Advisor researcher)

Miren Sorne Solaun Aguirre (Technician)

(0034) 94 600 6000 mirensorne.solaunaguirre@osakidetza.net

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Flow cytometry is a technology that allows simultaneous multiparametric analysis of the biological, physical and chemical characteristics of particles in a fluid as it passes through at least one laser line. Cell components can be fluorescently labelled and then excited with a laser to emit light at varying wavelengths.

The fluorescence can be measured to determine various properties of single particles, which are usually cells. Up to thousands of particles per second can be analysed as they pass through the liquid stream.

The Flow Cytometry Facility manages the use and maintenance and set-up of the two pieces of equipment present at Biocruces Bizkaia. The Facility also provides with assistance in sample preparation, data analysis and experimental set-up and design.


The following analyses are set-up and offered to researchers interested on them. The facility will study and evaluate other analysis designs under request. For further information, please, contact the Facility technician for further information.

  • Immunophenotyping. Complex multi-colour (8 colours) analysis of cells.
  • Cell Health, Cellular Vitality, Viabilit.
  • Apoptosis Analysis. Annexin V + 7-AAD/PI.
  • The Cell Cycle, Cell Cycle Progression and DNA Content.
  • Mitochondrial Membrane Potential.
  • Fluorescent protein expression. Transfection efficiency with GFP, YFP,CFP.
  • Cell proliferation analysis employ the use of a fluorescent dye CFS.
  • Detection of Soluble Proteins. Cytokine Bead array.
  • Functional assays, oxidative stress, pH, calcium flux.
  • Natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicit.
  • Providing our researchers with technical and scientific advice.
  • Developing novel flow cytometric techniques diverse scientific needs.
  • Providing researchers with advice in acquisition and analysis of sample.
  • Basic training sessions in the use of flow cytometry and instrument operation.

The following equipment is provided by the Flow Cytometry facility:

  • Miltenyi Biotec MACSQuant Analyzer
  • Beckman Coulter CYTOMICS FC500MPL - Analyzer

Hospital Universitario Cruces. Plaza de Cruces 12, 48903. Barakaldo, Bizkaia (País Vasco)