- Physical Sciences
Tel:(+34)943-01.87.86 | Fax(+34)943-01.58.00 | email: cfm@ehu.es
The “Dielectric Spectroscopy” laboratory provides characterisation of dielectric properties of polymer and soft matter samples. The combined use of several types of spectrometers, listed below, allows covering a wide dynamical range of more than 16 orders of magnitude (in frequency and time domain) and different sample environments:
- Broad-Band Dielectric Spectrometers (BBDS): ALPHA-S & ALPHA-A Novocontrol
- High-Frequency Dielectric Spectrometer (HFDS): Agilent E4991A RF-Impedance Analyzer
- Micro-Wave Dielectric Spectrometer (MWDS): Agilent E8361A Microwave Network Analyzer
- Therahertz Spectrometer (THS): Teraview 3000 spectrometer
- High-Pressure Dielectric Spectrometer (HPDS): Concept 100 Novocontrol
- Low-Temperature Dielectric spectrometer (LTDS): ALPHA-A Novocontrol
- Time-Domain Dielectric Spectrometer (TDDS): Novocontrol
- Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Currents (TSDC): Novocontrol
For more information about this available external service: http://cfm.ehu.es/about-cfm/external-services/
Pº Manuel de Lardizabal 5 | Donostia- San Sebastián | Gipuzkoa E-20018(SPAIN)