Animal Unit Gipuzkoa

Research areas
  • Life & Medical Sciences

Ldo. Carlos Castillo Revilla Phone: 943 01 8337 e-mail:

Available for external users?
Access protocol

The following may access the General Animal Unit Services: all researchers from the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, those from other universities and public and private entities who so request, in accordance with these regulations the regulations governing SGIs . Each Animal Unit will make some "Regulations for Use" of the Animal Unit services at the relevant Campus available to interested parties, including the facilities available. It should be recalled that each Animal Unit on the three university campuses of the UPV/EHU is fitted out differently and so there are, therefore, some differences in the internal regulations governing operation. Requests for animals or for the use of Animal Unit services will be dealt with in the order in which they are received, and must be recorded in the corresponding register or request form file which is available at each Animal Unit. The order in which requests are dealt with may be altered owing to technical reasons or in order to carry out urgent work that has been duly justified by the person in charge of the service. Priority for services outside the UPV/EHU shall not exceed 30% of the weekly time during which the service is in operation. When the work carried out by an Animal Unit entails a substantial contribution in the course of research by a research group or project, the relevant publications will mention the use of such services Rates for using the different equipment will be those that are annually approved by the Research Committee. All services rendered (both internal and external) will be invoiced via the Accounting Dept. at the UPV/EHU or via budgetary procedures, in accordance with the rates established. Laboratory animals will be handled in accordance with the technology corresponding to each species, and always within the scope of the legal regulations in force. The advice given by personnel from the Animal Unit will be taken into account for such purpose. This activity will be governed by the Regulations for Use of services of each Animal Unit at the University of the Basque Country-EHU.


The Animal Unit at the Guipúzcoa Campus offers the university community and other research centres and companies a series of facilities that enable laboratory animals to be used for research and other scientific and teaching purposes. This is carried out in accordance with the legal regulations in force.


Stalling of animals used for experimentation in accordance with the regulations in force. The Animal Unit at the Gipuzkoa Campus is fitted out to stall only large and small rodents. Providing general (food, health, cleaning) and special care to stalled animals to be used for carrying out research and for other scientific purposes. Advice to users regarding laboratory animals. Technical assistance and availability of technical personnel to help successfuly carry out the research being carried out. Facilitating animal experimentation on the premises of the Animal Unit fitted out for such purpose, so as to ensure that that there are no animals present on unauthorised premises. Administering the purchase of equipment and materials. Management and advice regarding the purchase of animals for experimentation originating exclusively from official suppliers, in accordance with the legislation in force (see the ministerial and regional orders referred to above), which prevents the admission of animals from any other source. Administering the controlled departure of animals for experimentation at the request of users of the Service. Obtaining pregnant females (date known). Marking and obtaining biological samples.


University of the basque country UPV/EHU Psychology faculty Avda. de Tolosa, 70 20018 Donostia-San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa)

Other info

This Animal Unit is governed in accordsnce with the following legislation: Royal Decree 1201/2005, dated 10th October, governing the protection of animals used for experimentation and other scientific purposes (published in Official Gazette No. 252, dated 21st October 2005). Act 32/2007, dated 7th November, governing the care of animals, their use, transportation, experimentation and slaughter (published in Official Gazette No.268, dated 8th November 2007) Order dated 25th June 1991 issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Basque Government, whereby regulations have been passed governing animals used for experimentation and other scientific purposes (published in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country No. 135, dated 4th July 1991). Regulations governing the assessment and monitoring of the methodological, ethical and legal implications of certain research and teaching activities at the UPV/EHU, and issued by the University Ethical Committee in Research and Teaching (CUEID) (published in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country No.104, dated 3rd June 2008) This Animal Unit has been officially fitted out by the Livestock Service of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, registered under reference EU-001-SS as a User Establishment for Animal Experimentation.