- Life & Medical Sciences
Juan Anguita Castillo (animalfacility@cicbiogune.es)
The CIC bioGUNE´s Animal Unit (AU) is an accredited facility which includes a Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) area.
The Animal Facility provides researchers with high quality laboratory animals. These animals are kept and bred in accordance with European animal welfare and hygiene recommendations and thus provide an excellent basis for biomedical experiments. The facility holds rats and mice (approximately 5,000 live specimens). The animal facility personnel also provide guidance and consultancy regarding the use of laboratory animals as well as technical and scientific assistance.
Support facilities include an experimental surgery suite, small animal echography machine, instrument to perform biochemical and hematological analyses, electrophysiology (ECG/EKG), and quarantine and biohazards housing at the ABSL2 level.
In addition to experimental animal research into infectious diseases, the Facility performs experiments for research into metabolism and biomedical issues and new tools for use in animal experiments. The unit also makes animal experiment expertise available for scientific activities including the development of new therapies, and interventions for pharmaceutical and biological products.
CIC bioGUNE, Bizkaia Technology Park Building 801 48160 Derio (Bizkaia)