Analytical and High-Resolution Microscopy in Biomedicine

Research areas
  • Life & Medical Sciences

Dr. Ricardo Andrade Pocino Phone: 94 601 5793 e-mail: Dr. Alejandro Díez Phone: 94 601 5793 e-mail: Lda. Irene Fernandez Phone: 94 601 5794 e-mail:

Available for external users?
Access protocol

Access to the unit of Analytical and High-Resolution Microscopy in Biomedicine involves meeting the requirements set forth in the Protocol for access to SGIker and the services it provides. Por specific protocols, please check the service's website.


The Analytical and High-Resolution Microscopy in Biomedicine Service of the UPV/EHU forms part of the Advanced Research Facilities (SGIker) of the University of the Basque Country, and has been in operation since 1997. The aim of the Service is to provide the equipment, technical assistance and specialist training required to visually analyse the microscopic structure of biological samples. The Service also provides support for the teaching of those disciplines that are taught at this University and which, owing to their very nature, require it. The Service is currently equipped with instruments that include two transmission electron microscopes, two scanning electron microscopes, two confocal microscopes and a flow cytometer, in addition to the instruments necessary for preparing samples and for the processing and analysis of the images obtained. High Resolution Analytic Microscopy in Biomedicina General Service Optical and Digital Microscopy Laboratory Confocal microscopy, digitalised image analysis, video-microscopy, fluorescence microscopy and interferential contrast. Electronic Microscopy Laboratory TEM, SEM, STEM, EELS, ultramicrotomy, metal coatings, critical point drying, inclusion in resins and extensions. Cytometry Laboratory Flow cytometry. The use of Service equipment is open to all researchers from the UPV/EHU, as well as from other research centres - both public and private.

  • Observation and analysis of biological samples by optic microscopy.
  • Observation and analysis of biological samples by electronic microscopy.
  • Flow cytometry.
  • Advisory services for preparing samples by the users. The techniques include: embryonic, organotypic andcell cultures, histochemical techniques, fixing, inclusion, microtomy, marking using fluorescent anti-bodiesand with colloidal gold, critical point drying, negative tinction, metal coatings (gold and platinum-carbon),etc.
  • Photo laboratory and computerised analysis of images.
  • Micro-injection and micro-handling techniques.
  • Training by means of specific courses. Educational support for various degrees and Master's degrees.

University of the basque country UPV/EHUMedicine and nursery facultyMaria Goyri research building, CBA at UPV/EHU science parkBº Sarriena, s/n 48940 Leioa (Vizcaya)


Equipped with Morada digital camera
Equipped with STEM module and elemental mapping and filtering of images via EELS
PHILIPS CM120 biofilter
Hitachi S-4800
Hitachi S-3400 N
Zeiss Axioskop