Macrobehaviour - Mesostructure - Nanotechnology

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  • Physical Sciences

Dra. Loli Martín Alberdi Telephone: 943 01 7161 e-mail:

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Access to the unit of Macrobehaviour - Mesostructure - Nanotechnology involves meeting the requirements set forth in the Protocol for access to SGIker and the services it provides.


This Service came into being in order to collaborate in the elucidation of end behaviour relationships of parts, carried out using different manufacturing technologies with different types of material, with their intimate structure on a micro and meso scale. Since the outset, it has strived to contribute towards developments in the field of nanotechnologies for different applications. Its aim is therefore to help optimize manufacturing and parts (micro) technologies made using multi-component materials, by providing services ranging from the nano level of materials to their macrostructure. It focuses on the analysis on a meso-micro-macro scale of materials in relation to the production processes used, i.e. the characterization of end behaviour-material structure relationships. taking into account the process variables used. The Service is included in priority area 3. Nanotechnologies and Nanoscience, multi-functional materials based on knowledge and new knowledge and new procedures and production devices of the 6th European Union (EU) Framework Programme. It can also be applied to area 4. Aeronautics and Space, in everything related to the development of parts related to (nano)composite materials. And area 6. Sustainable Development, planetary change and ecosystems, in different aspects related to sustainable development. Its field of activity is related to sectors and areas such as Aeronautics and Aerospace, the Car Industry. Chemistry, Medicine, Biochemistry, Microelectronics, (Nano)materials and (Nano)technologies in which it attempts to cover needs related to the manufacture of current products, in addition to the development of other new ones that cover the range of scales referred to above. The Service is equipped with various Units (microscopy, visco-elastic, electrical, rheological and molecular dynamic behaviour, thermal analysis, and preparation of samples - associated with the other Units), and has grown considerably over the past 10 years. The different technique groups attached to the General Service tend to be used by both internal and external customers, with the number of users who have access and the areas of research being supported constantly being expanded. This is reflected to some extent in the section "Internal/external Users" who use the Service.


The Service has different units (Microscopies; Molecular Dynamic, Rheological, Electrical and Viscoelastic Behaviour; Thermal Analysis; Mechanical Analysis and Preparing sample associated to the other Units). Education and training by means of specific courses. Educational support for various UPV/EHU degrees and Master’s degrees.


Donostia Politécnica School Plaza Europa, 1 20018 Donostia - San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa)

10/5000 Beste informazio batzuk

The scientific-technical infrastructure that supports this General Service enables analyses to be carried out in the areas described below: Nanostructured materials Nanocomposites Nanotechnologies Nanolithography Nanostructuring in surfaces Nanoparticles and nanotubes Encapsulation Chips and microelectro-mechanical systems Devices in Medicine Molecular component devices Self-assembled structures Biological and Biotechnology applications Liquid crystals, dendrímers Catalyzers Topographic measurements Roughness, even in soft materials Study of surface properties of materials from atomic to micrometric level Study of interphases Preparation of samples for their subsequent microscopic analysis, both in fine and ultrafine applications Adhesives, paints, varnishes, lacquers and coatings in general: modifications, new formulations, drying conditions, appearance of defects (pores, cracks, shattering, fragility, etc.) Optimization of manufacturing processes Optimization of processing conditions (injection, extrusion, etc.): preventing the appearance of surface defects, flow marks, etc.) Scattering of loads, supports, etc. Effect of coupling agent efficiency: surface treatments, etc. Corrosion of metal parts: effect of atmospheric conditions, surface ageing Acoustic insulation (damping) Fatigue: appearance of cracks and micro-cracks Composite materials: fatigue conduct, atmospheric agents Nanostructuring studies High-frequency dielectrics, printed circuits Others that may be dealt with on request


- Nanoscope v530r3 software (Digital Instruments) - Nanoscope Extender (for obtaining phase images) - Temperature chamber - Environmental chamber - 3 scanners (less tha 100 nm up to 100 mm) - Magnetic and diamond points
Nanoscope v530r3
- Nanoscope v613r1 software (Digital Instruments) - FastScan, Nanoman (Nanolithography, nanomanipulation) - Mechanical properties (Nanoindentation) - Magnetic properties (MFM)
Nanoscope v613r1
Leica DM RXE - TCS SP2
Mettler FP82HT temperatur chamber 5 lenses (50 - 1000 increases) Polarized, incident and transmitted light Image acquisition and analytical equipment (video camera and cAuto version 3.2 analytical software)
Perkin-Elmer DMA 7e
815 Metravib viscoanalyzer
DRS Novocontrol
TA - Waters
PVT 100 equipment + thermal conductivity
PVT 100 Haake
DSC 7 Perkin-Elmer
DSC 822 with TSO 801RO Mettler-Toledo robot
TGA/SDTA 851 Mettler Toledo
Minimat – Rheometrics
Charpy, Izod
Leica RM2245 microtomy