Colloidal nanofabrication

Ikerketa arloak
  • Physical Sciences

Ana Sánchez Iglesias Email: Telephone no.: +34 943 00 53 48

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The Colloidal Nanofabrication Platform develops synthetic strategies for obtaining structurally uniform metal nanoparticles in high performance, with excellent control over their shape and size, and a wide variety of surface functionalizations. In addition, the platform develops various experimental pathways for the manufacture of a wide variety of hybrid nanomaterials with different configurations (single-component, multicomponent, core-crust, alloys, etc.), as well as the manufacture of systems assembled in 2D and 3D, both in flat substrates and in solution.

It offers access to a state-of-the-art synthesis infrastructure, as well as a consulting, training, technical and scientific support service in the synthesis of nanomaterials, surface functionalization and self-assembly, adapted to the required needs, thus ensuring adequate training, experimental support and supervision, both during the synthesis process, and in the characterization of nanomaterials through the wide range of techniques available at the center.  (UV-Vis-NIR, TEM, SEM, ICP-MS, ζ potential, DLS, AFM, Raman and XPS).


CIC biomaGUNE Parque tecnológico de Gipuzkoa Ed. Pº Miramón 182, 20014, San Sebastián