- Life & Medical Sciences
Laura Escobar (Facility Technician) laura.escobar@achucarro.org
For further details, please contact the center.
Cell Sorting
The Cell Sorting Facility is equiped with a BD FACSJazz (2B/4YG) cell sorter and analyser. This cell sorter incorporates some new design features (intuitive alignment, real-time video monitoring, drop-delay confirmation,...) that simplify the operation of stream-in-air machines, which helps increasing the operational efficiency for high workloads.
Main technical specifications
- Optics
- 488 nm (blue) laser and 561 nm (yellow-green) laser independently aligned.
- 20X, 0.6NA microscope objective.
- Forward Scatter Detector and Filters: 75- and 50-mm lenses and PMT tube with a 488/10 BP filter and OD3 neutral density filter.
- Side Scatter Detector and Filter: 90º collection lens and 488/10BP filter PMT.
- Fluorescence Detectors and Filters: 90º collection lens and PMTs (2B/4YG).
- Fluidics
- Sheath pressure fixed at 27 psi (1.8 bar) with a consumption of 0.5 L/h.
- 100 µm nozzle with replaceable fluidics path and bubble detector.
- Performance
- Two way sorting: 5 and 15 ml tubes.
- Plates and slides: 6, 24, 96 and 384 well plates and user-defined collection devices.
- Temperature control by circulating water bath.
- Drop-delay confirmation (BD FACS Accudrop technology).
- Signal processing
- Eight data acquisition channels.
- Parallel data streams with channel ID and integrity check.
- Less than 1 correlation error per 108 events.
- Maximum throughput rate: 200.000 events/second
Extracellular Flux Analysis
The Seahorse XFe96 - Extracellular Flux Analyzer that can provide the value of the two major energy producing pathways of the cells: mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis, in a microplate and in real-time.
Microplate reader
The CLARIOstar Plus microplate reader is a flexible multi-mode reader. It comes equipped with the LVF Monochromators™, filters, and spectrometer. This flexibility is also combined with its sensitivity.
Science Park of the UPV/EHU, Sede Building, 3rd floorBarrio Sarriena, s/n, E-48940 Leioa (Spain)