Basque Biobank

Ikerketa arloak
  • Life & Medical Sciences

Roberto Bilbao Phone: 34944536890

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The main objective of the Basque Biobank is to provide research groups with high quality human biological samples (DNA, RNA, proteins etc) and clinical associated data. Any research group may submit a sample request to the Basque Biobank. You can check out sample availability in our catalogue. If you do not find what you need, we can establish a “on demand” prospective sample collection. To submit a sample request, please click on the "Sample request" button that can be found on the right-hand side of After registering, you should attach the required documentation: a research project and the corresponding ethics committee approval. Once a request is received, we will send you an acknowledgement of receipt. If this does not arrive, contact We will contact you again as soon as possible to inform you of the steps to follow, date of the request decision, etc. Provision of these samples will depend exclusively on the approval of your request by the Basque Biobank's Ethical and Scientific Committees. Once your sample request has been approved, a material transfer agreement, which we will send to you beforehand, must be signed between the Basque Biobank and the applicant body. Samples for research purposes are free and only the cost of their collection, processing and storage must be met.


The Basque Biobank is a hospital-related platform aimed at promoting basic/clinical research that may lead to the development of tools for the prevention, diagnosis and discovery of therapeutic targets. The Basque Biobank is organized as a non-profit network biorepository that integrates its activity with the daily clinical activity, providing support to 12 large hospitals (with a total of 4,278 beds), 4 medium and long-term hospitalisation centres, 4 psychiatric hospitals (with a total of 777 beds), 3 non-hospital psychiatric centres and 320 primary care centers. All these centers cover the Basque population that amounts to a grand total of 2,193 million citizens. The operation of the Basque Biobank takes place under a strict quality management and bio-safety plan that includes optimal conditions for the transportation of biological material and procedures to guarantee traceability of samples and data, among other precautions. The Biobank collects populational, case-control and cohort samples from: • Peripheral blood: DNA, RNA, plasma, serum, cells and other fluids such as cerebrospinal fluid, saliva or tears. • Tumour tissues: healthy and neoplastic. • Other tissues obtained from autopsies, for example neurological material (Brain Bank) Likewise, the Basque Biobank collects samples from a broad range of diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic disorders, respiratory diseases, cancer, neuromuscular diseases, mental illnesses and rare diseases, amongst others


Besides human sample delivery, Basque Biobank can also provide other services to research groups. Any research group may submit a service request to the Basque Biobank. To do so, you must submit a request by clicking on the "Service request" button that can be found on the right-hand side of The services offered by the Basque Biobank are as follows: Molecular Techniques • DNA extraction from blood (blood, buffy coat and mononuclear cells) • DNA extraction from saliva • DNA extraction from tissue • DNA extraction from FTA • Automatic DNA extraction (AutoGenFlex STAR) • DNA quantification using Picogreen • Nucleic acid quantification using Nanodrop • DNA integrity analysis • Total genome amplification • RNA extraction from peripheral blood • RNA extraction from tissue • RNA extraction including miRNA (peripheral blood, mononuclear cells, tissue, serum, plasma) • Integrity analysis of RNA samples (Agilent bioanalyser, agarose gels) Cell Techniques • Isolation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells • Immortalisation of B lymphocytes • Erythrocyte Isolation Blood component isolation • Serum isolation • Plasma isolation • Buffy Coat isolation Tissue sample collection, processing and storage • Tissue processing and paraffin block preparation • Histological sections from samples included in paraffin • Histological sections from samples included in OCT • Hematoxylin/eosin staining • Immunofluorescence • Immunohistochemistry Design and production of Tissue Microarrays Histological image digitalisation and analysis • Capture of high resolution histological images • Immunohistochemical image analysis • Fluorescent labelling image analysis • Automatic scanning and quantification of tissue microarrays slides with immunohistochemical or fluorescent labelling


Fundación Vasca de Innovación e Investigación Sanitarias (BIOEF) Torre del BEC (Bilbao Exhibition Centre) Ronda de Azkue, 1 48902 Barakaldo