Animal Unit Bizkaia

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  • Life & Medical Sciences

Lda. Gloria Lete Phone: 94 601 2821 e-mail: Dr. Arantza Alejo Phone: 94 601 5804 e-mail:

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The aim of the General Animal Unit Service is to offer the university community the animals used for experimentation which are required in research and teaching. It provides technical advice to users regarding animals used for experimentation and also regarding their environment, and is in charge of ensuring compliance with the regulations in force governing the protection of animals used for scientific purposes. Animal experimentation will be carried out following prior authorisation of the Ethical Committee in handling animal experimentation. During the process involving the setting-up of this Service, it is suggested that it be equipped with the technical and material resources necessary to function properly, in addition to providing an advsiory service for users in both legal and technical aspects. The General Animal Service Unit will comprise three inter-dependent units located on the three campuses of the UPV/EHU. Users at each of them will be deemed to be all those researchers from the UPV/EHU who need to use laboratory animals for their experimental and/or teaching work. Vizcaya Campus: will be considered the Central Unit of the Service, currently located in the restored building attached to the Faculty of Medicine and Odontology in Leioa. The Animal Unit at the Vizcaya Campus offers both the university community and other research centres and companies the facilities that enable laboratory animals to be used for research and other scientific and teaching purposes. This is carried out in accordance with the legal regulations in force. This Animal Unit is regulated in accordance with Royal Decree 53/2013 dated 10th October (published in Official Gazette dated 21-10-2005) governing animals used for experimentation and other scientific purposes, and in accordance with Order dated 25th June 1991 issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Basque Government (published in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country dated 4-7-1991), also governing animals used for experimentation and other scientific purposes. This Animal Unit has been officially fitted out by the Livestock Service of the Provincial Council of Vizcaya, and registered under reference EU-02.BI as a User Establishment for animal experimentation. The activities carried out by the Animal Unit are, in accordance with the above regulations, related to research and other scientific purposes, including university teaching.


- Breeding and upkeep of rodents (rats and mice). - Stalling of animals used for experimentation in accordance with the regulations in force. The Animal Unit at the Alava Campus is fitted out only to stall large and small rodents. - Providing general (food, health, cleaning) and special care to stalled animals to be used for carrying out research and for other scientific purposes. - Advice to users regarding laboratory animals. Technical assistance and availability of technical personnel to help successfuly carry out the research being carried out. - Facilitating animal experimentation on the premises of the Animal Unit fitted out for such purpose, so as to ensure that that there are no animals present on unauthorised premises. - Administering the purchase of equipment and materials. - Management and advice regarding the purchase of animals for experimentation originating exclusively from official suppliers, in accordance with the legislation in force (see the ministerial and regional orders referred to above), which prevents the admission of animals from any other source. - Administering the controlled departure of animals for experimentation at the request of users of the Service.


University of the basque country UPV/EHU Animalario Building, Bizkaia Campus Bº Sarriena, s/n 48940 Leioa (Bizkaia)


(Restricted access): comprises 13 rooms set aside for the production and upkeep of rats and mice under SPF conditions (Specific Pathogen Free). Upkeep of animals and special facilities: 9 rooms for the upkeep of rats and mice during the experimentation phase, accessible to researchers. 2 quarantine rooms. 1 room for transgenic mice equipped with ventilated cages and laminar flow cabin for their handling. 1 room for immuno-depressed mice with ventilated cages and laminar flow cabin for their handling. 2 rooms for rabbits set aside exclusively for their upkeep and handling. 2 rooms for amphibia and fish equipped with specific material for their handling.
Consists of a laboratory equipped with furniture, scales, small equipment and laminar flow cabin. Also contains an operating theatre equipped with two pieces of stererotaxic equipment, two pieces of inhalatory anaesthetic equipment and two surgical magnifying glasses.
Consists of a warehouse for reception of material, a room for preparing commonly-used cages and material, a washing area equipped with cage-washing and bottle-washing machinery, autoclave, vapour sterilization system and sterile equipment storeroom. Diagnostic laboratory. Changing room for personnel attached to the Service and changing room for access to the SPF zone.
Consists of two offices, 2 archives and meeting room