Quantum Nanophotonics Lab

Áreas de investigación
  • Physical Sciences

Tel:(+34)943-01.87.86 | Fax(+34)943-01.58.00 | email: cfm@ehu.es

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The “Quantum Nanophotonics” laboratory is fully stabilised in temperature and humidity, and hosts state-of-the-art facilities for the generation and control of quantum states of light:

  • Three optical tables for manipulating the polarisation as well as spatial and frequency degrees of freedom of entangled and single photon states: 1200 x 2400 x 305 mm table with isolators (784-655-12DR model from TMC), 1500 x 3000 x 305 mm table with isolators (784-675-12DR model from TMC) and 900 mm x 1800 mm x 305mm table with isolators (from Newport)
  • A set of laser systems, including continuous wave lasers covering the ultra violet, visible and infrared regions, for producing different photon states: a 633nm, 10mW, He-Ne laser (from Thorlabs); a 403nm, 100mW, diode (from Toptica); a 680nm, 50mW, diode (from Toptica); a 808nm, 10mW, diode (from Thorlabs)
  • Optically addressable cryostat, equipped with state-of-the-art nanopositioners, for cooling down nanostructures and nanoparticles to cryogenic temperatures (attoDRY 100 model from Attocube)
  • A set of spatial light modulators (from Cambridge Correlators), polarisers (from Thorlabs and Standa) and Single Photon Counting Modules (SPCM, APDs SPCM-AQ4C model from Excelitas), for analysing the photons interacting with nanostructures at cryogenic temperatures
  • Microwave generators and amplifiers (SMB100A model from Rohde & Schwartz), for addressing the electronic states of Nitrogen Vacancy centres in diamond

Pº Manuel de Lardizabal 5 | Donostia- San Sebastián | Gipuzkoa E-20018(SPAIN)