- Physical Sciences
Tel:(+34)943-01.87.86 | Fax(+34)943-01.58.00 | email: cfm@ehu.es
In the “Laser Spectroscopy” laboratory, continuous and time-resolved (with nano-pico excitation laser sources) spectroscopy systems with high spectral resolution in the ultraviolet-visible-infrared (UV-VIS-IR) radiation domains, together with low temperature facilities (2K) are used to characterise the properties of rare-earth materias for lasing. A homemade photoacoustic spectrometer is also available. These facilities are physically located at the Engineering School in Bilbao (out of the CFM main premises in Donostia-San Sebastian).
Pº Manuel de Lardizabal 5 | Donostia- San Sebastián | Gipuzkoa E-20018(SPAIN)