Electrical and magnetic characterization services

Áreas de investigación
  • Physical Sciences

Gorka Pazos External-Services Manager +34 943 57 40 00 external.services@nanogune.eu

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CIC nanoGUNE offers External Services with the aim of supporting the characterization and fabrication of materials and micro and nanoscale devices for both academic and industrial users. The External Services Department is designed to be an open facility for researchers and technologists from different business and research fields. The services offered by the External Services Department can be carried out by qualified nanoGUNE personnel or requested under a self-service mode. Please contact the External Services Department staff.


Electrical, magnetic and magneto-transport measurements of wide range of samples, starting from bulk materials to electronic circuits.


Transport measurements Magneto-resistance measurements at different temperatures (2 K - 400 K) applied field up to 9 T Resistance versus temperature (2 K- 400 K) I(V) and V(I) curves at different temperatures (2 K - 400 K) applied field up to 9 T Magnetic measurements (vibrating sample magnetometry, VSM) Magnetic moment versus temperature (2 K- 400 K) Hysteresis loop measurement at RT Hysteresis loop measurement at different temperature (2 K- 400 K) Magnetic measurements (vibrating sample magnetometry, VSM) oven option Magnetic moment versus temperature (300 K- 1000 K) Hysteresis loop measurement at different temperature (300 K - 1000 K) Four probe measurements Variable temperature Variable magnetic field


Tolosa Hiribidea, 76 E-20018 Donostia – San Sebastian