Central Analysis Service - Alava Unit

Áreas de investigación
  • Physical Sciences

Dra. María Carmen Sampedro Phone: 94 501 4350 e-mail: mariacarmen.sampedro@ehu.es Dra. Alicia Sanchez Ortega Phone: 94 501 4349 e-mail: alicia.sanchez@ehu.es

¿Disponible para usuarios externos?
Protocolo de acceso

Access to the unit of Central Analysis Service Alava involves meeting the requirements set forth in the Protocol for access to SGIker and the services it provides.


The analytical problems arising in fields as diverse as Health Science, Biochemistry, the Environment, Food, Quality Control in numerous industries - and even those related to other less conventional fields such as Archaeology and the study and dating of works of art, etc. - would not be possible to solve today if it were not for the availability of modern instrumental techniques. The contrasting fact of the matter is that some of the research groups from the UPV/EHU, who have a specific need for this kind of data, do not have the necessary scientific equipment at their disposal. This therefore makes it difficult for them to obtain suitable results. On the other hand, the demand for and proliferation of analytical systems - some of which do not attain sufficient levels of use - on the part of research groups, greatly increases the costs of projects and places a burden on the research budgets of the UPV/EHU. The creation of a General Analysis Service aims to alleviate some of these problems by above all favouring those groups that have little chance of obtaining funding to purchase the equipment they need, and by enabling consolidated groups to channel their efforts towards tasks which are not merely analytical in nature. This will enable there to be an increase in the quality of experimental data pertaining to the aforementioned groups, while at the same time leading to the opening up of new lines of research - hitherto blocked owing to the lack of analytical instrumentation. On the other hand, the existence of a service of this type will improve the provision of external services which some of the groups are currently offering to companies and institutions, and will even enable new resources to be obtained.

  • Analysis of specific substances The person requesting the analysis will, after having previously checked with the Service Technicians, provide the standardized analytical methodology required for carrying out the analysis. These will be carried out by Service Technicians and invoiced to the person requesting them. In the event that perishable material should be required which, owing to its specific characteristics, may not be available at the Service (chromatographic columns, atomic absorption lamps, etc.), these must be purchased by the person requesting the analysis.
  • Characterization of unknown compounds Once the budget for the analysis has been approved by the person requesting it, the Service Technicians will then carry out the characterization work.
  • Research studies and/or work Any research group from the UPV/EHU may request from the General Service the use of certain equipment for a certain period of time, in order to carry out research studies or work. The research group requesting this must provide personnel who will be suitably trained in the use of equipment by the Service Technicians.
  • Back-up for teaching A certain number of practical classes may be organised in subjects from the syllabuses of UPV/EHU qualifications which are related to the techniques available at the Service.
  • MA and/or other courses may also be given in instrumental techniques. These are aimed at graduates or engineers in Chemistry, Pharmacy, Biology, Food Science and Veterinary Medicine, among other subjects.
  • Training of personnel The person so requesting may, after having previously checked with the Service Technicians, be trained on relevant courses (theoretical and practical) in handling the techniques available at the Service. They may also receive advice about analytics which are carried out using the aforementioned techniques or about the different problems or consultations associated with them.

University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU Edificio Lucio Lascaray (CIEA) Miguel de Unamuno, 3 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava)


Agilent XCT-Plus
Agilent 6400 Series
Agilent 6530 Series
Agilent 6120
Agilent 5975
Agilent 5973 inert
Equipped with Laser Ablation System
Agilent 7500ce
Jasco 6300
Shimadzu UV-1800