Dielectric Spectroscopy Lab

Áreas de investigación
  • Physical Sciences

Tel:(+34)943-01.87.86 | Fax(+34)943-01.58.00 | email: cfm@ehu.es

¿Disponible para usuarios externos?

The “Dielectric Spectroscopy” laboratory provides characterisation of dielectric properties of polymer and soft matter samples. The combined use of several types of spectrometers, listed below, allows covering a wide dynamical range of more than 16 orders of magnitude (in frequency and time domain) and different sample environments:

  • Broad-Band Dielectric Spectrometers (BBDS): ALPHA-S & ALPHA-A Novocontrol
  • High-Frequency Dielectric Spectrometer (HFDS): Agilent E4991A RF-Impedance Analyzer
  • Micro-Wave Dielectric Spectrometer (MWDS): Agilent E8361A Microwave Network Analyzer
  • Therahertz Spectrometer (THS): Teraview 3000 spectrometer
  • High-Pressure Dielectric Spectrometer (HPDS): Concept 100 Novocontrol
  • Low-Temperature Dielectric spectrometer (LTDS): ALPHA-A Novocontrol
  • Time-Domain Dielectric Spectrometer (TDDS): Novocontrol
  • Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Currents (TSDC): Novocontrol

For more information about this available external service: http://cfm.ehu.es/about-cfm/external-services/


Pº Manuel de Lardizabal 5 | Donostia- San Sebastián | Gipuzkoa E-20018(SPAIN)