Confocal Raman Microscope

Renishaw InVia Raman

- Three excitation lasers: 325, 514 and 785 nm
- Ability to perform both puntual measurements as surface analysis by Raman image
- Two external optical fiber probes allow analysis of macrosamples and a Linkam TS1500 temperature platform, obtain spectra of compounds at high temperatures

This is an InVia Raman confocal microscope made by Renishaw, comprising a spectrometer and two lasers coupled to a Leica optical microscope. The excitation wavelengths of the lasers are 514 nm (green) and 785 nm (NIR), which enables analyses to be carried out using two different sources of energy, thus increasing the options for successful analysis and enabling possible fluorescence-based phenomena to be avoided. The spectrometer is equipped with two different modular optics depending on the laser being used. In all cases, a spectral resolution of 1 cm -1is obtained with a good signal-noise ratio.

For its part, the Leica microscope incorporates 5x, 20x and 50x lenses, enabling maximum performance to be obtained from the laser photons in order to increase the sensitivity of the equipment by increasing the Raman effect. The confocality also enables maximum lateral resolution of the microscope to be obtained. The microscope incorporates a motorized XY slide for greater comfort and so as to be able to carry out Imagen Raman analyses.

The Leica microscope may also be used as an optical micrscope, with reflected light and transmitted, etc., thus enabling any observations to be saved in digital format thanks to the video camera incorporated. The whole unit is placed on an optical desk to prevent any possible vibrations.