Computational Neuroimaging Research groups

The Computational Neuroimaging Group is working in different neuroimaging projects:

  • Since 25 April 2016, there exists a research protocol approved by the Cruces University Hospital Ethics Committee, code CEIC E16/22 (Principal Investigators Jesus M Cortes and Paolo Bonifazi) to combine neuroimaging and electrophysiology multiscale in human epilepsy.
  • Since 19 May 2014 there exists a research protocol approved by the Cruces University Hospital Ethics Committee, code CEIC E14/20, (Principal Investigator Jesus M Cortes) to analyse Tensor Diffusion Images to study glial tumors, the most malignant tumor affecting human brain.
  • Since 28 May 2013 there exists a research protocol approved by the Cruces University Hospital Ethics Committee, code CEIC E13/11, (Principal Investigator Jesus M Cortes) to perform neuroimaging to patients with Deficit of Consciousness (DOC) who after Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) are hospitalized in the Cruces University Hospita (Reanimation and Critical Care Unit).
  • The group is also actively working in three other observational studies which have approved research protocols: one on frontotemporal dementia (led by the neurologist Dr. Manuel Fernandez), other on Parkinson's disease (led by the neurologist Dr. Juan Carlos Gómez) and other on mucopolisacaridosis tipo III (MPS III) o enfermedad de Sanfilippo (led by Dr. Luis Aldámiz-Echevarría Azuara).

We have already developed different methods for the analysis of different MRI acquisitions, including 3D T1, DTI, resting state fMRI, precontrast T1, T2 TSE, FLAIR, GRE TE and SWI. Our preprocessing and postprocessing methods work out with raw data, by different pipelines of software home-made coded running on top of FSL (the leading open source Neuroimaging Software), AFNI, SPM and others.

International Collaborations

Since the creation date on 2012 of the Computational Neuroimaging Laboratory, we have collaborated with researchers from 28 different institutions (including Universities, Hospitals and Biomedical Institutes), distributed by Spain (11 institutions), USA (4), Argentina (3), Italy (3), UK (2), France (2), China (1), Belgium (1) and Israel (1). Nationally, the group is currently working with the Hospital de la Princesa, the Achucarro Neurosciences Center the BCAM mathematics and Lopez Neyra Institute of Parasitology (CSIC). Internationally, the group has stable collaboration with the University of Bari in Italy, with the University of Ghent in Belgium with INRIA in France, with the Salk Institute in USA and CONICET (Argentina).

Campo de investigación

Life & Medical Sciences

Prioridades RIS3
  • Biosciences & Health
Investigador principal
Jesús María Cortes Diaz
Plaza de Cruces, 48903 Barakaldo, BI
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