Transmission electron microscope

Philips CM200

Philips CM200 transmission electron microscope with a supertwin lens, LaB6 filament, specific 0.235nm resolution and 0.144nm line; ±40º tilt, equipped with:
- EDX microanalysis (with super-ultra-thin window for light elements and 137.4eV resolution, made by EDAX with DX-4 control system).
- TV Gatan 696 camera.
- Philips PW6595/05 double-tilt sample holder.
- Philips PW6594 rotation-tilt sample holder.
- Single-tilt sample holder (PW6596) and beryllium single-tilt for microanalysis (PW6597/05).
- Double-tilt heating sample holder (Gatan 652 model) with temperature regulation up to 1000ºC (Gatan 901 model).
- Double-tilt cooling sample holder (Gatan 636 model) with temperature control up to liquid nitrogen (Gatan 900 model).
- Remote control system with acquisition programmes and automatic recovery of positions and in situ orientation of the sample (CM k-space control windows by Philips).
- Video system for observation of image during in situ tests.